Mark Rimple, director
We are a chamber vocal ensemble devoted to the intricate vocal polyphony of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Ensemble members bring years of combined study and experience together to present ancient compositions of great beauty and complexity to audiences in West Chester and Philadelphia. Musica Humana’s concerts center spring from expressions of human emotion and experience that connect modern listeners directly to the past in a living exploration of music history. We just finished the recording of our first CD, De profundis, and have plans to release it on Olde Focus recordings once we fundraise the money for production costs.

Since 2011, we have been Visiting Artists in Residence at West Chester University's College and Visual Performing Arts. We will continue this relationship into the 2015-16 season.
We are planning to expand our performance venues to include Center City Philadelphia and the greater Philadelphia region. Look for more news here in coming months!

L to R: Les Anders, Julie Ferris,
Mark Rimple,
Anthony Mosakowksi, and Colin Dill

Recent programs have focused on the Royal French Chapel choirbooks published by Pierre Attiangant, Roman sacred polyphony (including Lassus' Prophetiae Sibyllarum), English Renaissance lamentations by White and Tallis, the music of Gesualdo, Luzzaschi and Monteverdi, and the rich vocal repertory of Josquin and his contemporaries. Our concerts also include lute music and lute songs of each era, and have also featured the Chiaroscuro Consort of Viols, led by Donna Fournier.